Friday 2 December 2016

Weekly news 10

Primary school grades PARENTS from A to D on how well they're supporting their children, with the worst performers called into the head's office

Source: Daily Mail.

Considering that the Daily Mail is a conservative paper and is not often for the people, this article was remarkably pro-parents who seemed to be outraged by the thought of a primary school judging them based on their parenting. And I agree. The grades are decided on how involved the parents are with their student's learning. Failing to attend extra-curricular activities will result in lower grading. Which is pure stupidity. There are single parents who have to have multiple jobs just to put food on the table but this school thinks they have the right to judge and criticize parents, telling them they're not doing well enough as parents. Get the hell off your pedestal. I mean compare this to even worse off areas where parents find it even harder to sustain their children and be a big part of their lives. True, some parents aren't very active in their children's educations where they could be but it's what the teacher's are paid to do. If this school tried doing this in a worse off area, the school wouldn't last one month. The amount of angry parents who'd be coming down to give the school a piece of their mind would be comedic. This is a presentation of age and issues.

Anger: But some furious parents have slammed the school's concept as 'ludicrous' and said teachers should be focusing on their children instead of judging them


  1. Next time make there font clearer because the white highlight makes it difficult to read.

  2. Your own opinion is particularly powerful (and it's also impressive that you managed to keep it relatively-PG given the strength of your views and the absurdity of the situation). I also like that you've included the source, and explained what that says about the article. Perhaps next time look at specific words or quotes in the article and explain how they convey a certain message.
