Monday 13 March 2017

Demographics and Psychographics

Demographics is a technique used in modern day media marketing to assign audiences into categories such as age, race, gender, income and many other variables about a consumer.

There are 6 different demographics based around income:

A: Higher class citizens. Doctor's, lawyers, large business owners, etc.

B: Middle class citizens. Teachers and creative occupations such as artists.

C1: White collar jobs. Office workers, small business owners, specialist staff.

C2: Skilled manual workers. Plumbers, builders, blue collar jobs.

D: Semi-skilled and unskilled workers. Retail, lower class income.

E: Unemployed, low to no income. Students, pensioners and casual worker.s

Psychographics segmentation divides the market into groups based on social class, lifestyle and personality characteristics. It's based on the assumption that the audience will consume products based on their individuality and personality traits. The various types of psychographics include:

Mainstreamers: Who seek to be conformative and safe in their purchases. The largest and most conventional of the groups.

Aspirers: Who seek status. Tend to be materialistic and more particular about their appearance and how other's view them. More common among young people.

Succeeders: Who seek control. Like to be the one's setting the trends rather than following them. Tend to be upper class citizens with a high income.

Resigned: Who seek survival. Stick to what they already know and are the most secluded to modern trends. Most common among older people.

Explorers: Who seek discovery. In quite the contrast to the resigned group, this group loves exploring new trends they are new to and value difference and adventure.

Reformer: Seeks enlightenment. Doesn't like to be restricted by trends and prefer to do whatever they feel is best, regardless of what other's view of them. Socially aware with independent judgement.

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