Tuesday 3 January 2017

Weekly news 12

'Three lives should not be ruined' Young mum who left her ex brain damaged after drunkenly mowing him down in the street walks free because she has a young son.

Source: The Sun

The 20 year old mother who's 4 year old son recently started primary school ran down her ex with no license and no insurance while intoxicated. The victim of this incident, a Dean Heaney, was very badly injured with a punctured lung, brain damage and fractured ribs. He's not been able to work since and due to his brain damage, is finding things very difficult.

And because it's the Sun and a woman is involved, of course it gets racy. Despite the story having nearly nothing to do with sex at all, the images the Sun decided to show of the 20 year old mother were filled with cleavage and seemed like they were intended for private eyes. I think the sun probably did this intentionally to try and make her out into the bad guy. The headline also connotes this. But if we compare this incident to if a male was the one who hit a woman, I imagine there wouldn't be any inappropriate images of the offender. However I'm willing to bet that if we swap the victim's place with a woman, the Sun would have no problem using sexual images of a brain damaged, hospitalized young woman.

In my opinion, the judge made the right decision. If he had put her in jail, she would no longer be able to care for her son and considering that she'd never shown such behavior before and had next to no criminal record, there was no reason to assume she was going to go out and commit another offense. When she left the courtroom, she did give a thumbs up.Lomas gave a thumbs-up outside court today after escaping jail for drink-drive horror that left ex brain damaged
And yes. She deserves to get hit by the car she was driving for that. But as the headline says, three lives shouldn't be ruined because of one drunk driving incident that was out of character and the offender was supposedly extremely guilty about and would turn back time if she could.

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