Sunday 8 January 2017

Weekly News 14

'DUDE...I'M RIGHT HERE' Cocky fugitive taunts cops hunting for him by changing Facebook profile picture to Where's Wally - with his own face superimposed on it.

Source: The Sun

A 30 year old professional Jockey from Middlesbrough is somehow managing to evade the police, all the while still using social media and keeping in contact with many friends and family. JJ MecMenamin is the offender of many driving offences and has been taunting the police department using social media. He even said that at one point he was close enough to see a policeman hunting for him struggling to climb over the fence and considered offering to "give him a hand".

Comparing this story to one about the same man posted by the Telegraph, there was not much differences but the Telegraph seemed to have a bit more information on the situation. They additionally reported that he had escaped to Leeds and he was originally on bail but breached his conditions when he refused to attend court.

In my opinion, this story is just a testament to how easy the police examinations must be. This man has no training or experience in escaping the law or staying hidden and considering that he's still in contact with a lot of people who must know where he is, he mustn't be trying very hard yet the police still can't manage to find him. He must have a phone to be using Snapchat so simply getting his phone number could help track him. Maybe it's a lot harder than I'm making it out to be but regardless, it shouldn't be taking this much work to find one fugitive. Especially one who looks like this:
 Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor


  1. This is a good article however I think you could have given more information about the story as a whole instead of just writing 3 sentences about it! Also, include what representation it is.

  2. You could add what representation this falls under for example issue to do with police in a different region, how they work and operate (regional identity). Also you should try and write more formal, leaving out cheeky limbo such as stating "Especially one who looks like this" and maybe instead just say he looks like this .
