Sunday 5 November 2017

Weekly news 27


Horror at Bonfire Night fireworks display as rockets rain down on families and explode leaving 14 injured

Source: The Sun -

This news story covers an event and the dangers behind it, namely, Bonfire night. It appears to have become a trend as of late to shoot fireworks at friends and strangers as a prank, despite the amount of safety warnings. Leads one to wonder if the safety warnings even discourage teenagers at all or if it actually makes it seem more appetizing. However, it's rare we ever see horror stories about mishaps to do with purposeful assault with fireworks. Somehow, an accidental 'malfunction' managed to cause much more disarray than anything I've heard of to do with teenagers. Perhaps this means it wasn't just a malfunction, like the hotel claims and it was purposeful, or, much more likely, teenagers aren't nearly as irresponsible as people believe them to be. Although, in the bottom of the article, there is a video of a teenager lobbing a firework into a packed bus so perhaps they are just as irresponsible.

1 comment:

  1. Adam this seems to not be about the Media topics that we discussed we would use in order to strengthen your in depth knowledge about Film, Music and Television.

    Try and keep the focus on the case study industries and also remember CCCEO always!
