Sunday 19 November 2017

Weekly news 29


I’m A Celebrity’s Stanley Johnson’s daughter says he will enjoy watching the girls in the jungle showers

Source: The Sun

The news is flooded with 'I'm a Celebrity' news as of late, due to the new season starting today, the 19th of November. Not so shockingly, this lead to some rumors/predictions of sexual harassment from one of the new campers very own daughter. According to her, Stanley Johnson will enjoy watching his fellow campers (particularly the female ones) in the jungle showers.

We can compare this to many of the other horror stories that keep popping up in the media lately of middle-aged, white men abusing their power to take advantage of young women. This is a representation of age, considering he's one of the older campers, as well as issues since it's a very hot topic as of late that the issue of sexual harassment must be dealt with better. Apparently, it's not just his own daughter that appears to have suspicions of him, considering many of the other campers noticed his interest in Georgia Toffolo during a cocktail party hosted the night before the premiere of the show.
 Stanley Johnson will enjoy his time in the jungle for the shower scenes


  1. Good amount of detail and description about the story. You could also talk about how it links to your exam, and include your opinion about the story.

  2. good story which links to a lot of the issues being bought up recently and use of comparison. Perhaps you can take your context further explaining who he is and links to the dominant ideology.
