Monday 27 November 2017

Weekly news 30


Dad knifed in London Bridge terror attack backs The Sun on Sunday’s appeal to award two hero cops the George Cross

Source: The Sun

First of all, it seems like The Sun is somewhat tooting their own horn with this story, trying to regain some kind of moral standpoint in the eyes of the public. Regardless of this, I agree with the campaign. London appears to have been the target of a range of terrorist attacks over the past year or so. It's somewhat died down recently but the effects still linger and fear is still in the hearts of many. If we compare it to the terrorist attack in Paris, which was met with an increased police force and a lot of resistance, it's hard to say what's the more effective approach. It's important to look at the positives that more people weren't hurt due to the police force that is often under fire from the public. This can be construed as many different representations, most notably issues in terms of terrorist attacks. In my opinion, these policeman do deserve some kind of recognition, whether it be the George Cross, or some other award.

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