Wednesday 8 November 2017

Weekly news 28

Netflix fires Kevin Spacey from House of Cards

Source: The Guardian

While it's good that more and more people seem to be coming forward about their sexual harassment horror stories, it's scary to imagine this was going on for decades and it's only now being brought to light. And the people disassociating themselves from those being accused are people who most likely new but kept quiet. In my opinion, they're only speaking out now to save their own image, and Netflix is no different. There's no way they could have not known, especially with how many shows they produce starring young cast members. A generalisation of the news story is that Netflix are cutting off Kevin Spacey from all their projects, including a biopic produced by and starring Spacey himself. 

If we compare this to another form of media that recently had a similar scandal (one where several of the platform's big names were involved in sexual assault allegations), we see Youtube followed a similar trend. A few videos got public attention claiming sexual assault on youtubers like Sam Pepper and Toby Turner; just to name a few, and suddenly the community was in uproar and only then were fellow youtubers turning away. So perhaps it's not just an issue in the mainstream media formats such as film and T.V. Perhaps it's an issue with fame in general. And stop to wonder why haven't any women come under fire concerning sexual assault? There must be at least one. Perhaps the men are scared to come out due to the fragile representation of what a man is in modern society, or perhaps it really is only men who are abusing their power and fame.


  1. Interesting and socially relevant story, with good contextual links to other areas of the media. Perhaps talk about the source of the article and why it has been presented in the way it has?

    (Unrelated to feedback - look up 'Lena Dunham sister' and 'Amy Schumer rape' for some lovely stories about female sexual assault perpetrators and how the public doesn't want to condemn them because of feminist backlash.)

  2. Good story and strong use of opinion, content and comparison. Perhaps include more context such as the fact that Netflix were aware of an incident that had occurred during season 1 on set but claimed to not be aware of other incidents that happened on set.
