Tuesday 18 October 2016

Difference between scary and creepy

The difference between Scary and Creepy.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEikGKDVsCc

From what I gathered, being scared is the recognition of danger. There is something dangerous. You need to run, fight or hide from it. It's the absolute certainty that your well being is at stake, for example if you're being chased by a tiger. Creepy however is the uncertainty. The feeling that something is wrong but you're not quite sure yet if it's dangerous. It's unsettling in the worst way. For example (avert your eyes if you are not fond of horror or creepy things). Image result for scary image vs creepy image
This is a creepy image. There's a very tall man that appears similar to tree branches. But we aren't sure if that's dangerous or not. We're on edge, uneasy, it may be a threat but there's no reason to logically assume so yet. But this:
Image result for scary image
Is a more certain danger. There's sharp teeth and a deathly complexion. These are both things that our survival instincts associate with danger and dying so we're less uneasy with this image, but are more likely to be scared.

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