Wednesday 12 October 2016

Todorov's theory.

Todorov's theory of narrative is that all plots follow the same 5 key points.

1. State of Equilibrium.
This is the way of life the film usually begins with. The norm. For example in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Fin's way of life is being a storm trooper.

2. Disruption of Equilibrium.
This is when the protagonist's main flow of life changes and they may find their goal. For example again in Star Wars, Fin is horrified by the battle.

3. Recognition of Disruption.
This is when the protagonist realizes that something has changed and they must adjust to it. For example Fin meets Poe and escapes with him.

4. Attempts to Repair Disruption.
This is when the protagonist tries to get rid of the disruption and either return to the previous way of life or find a new flow. For example Fin tries to fight the Sith with Rei.

5. New Equilibrium.
This is the new way of life that the protagonist finds after they reach their goal. For example Fin joins the Rebels and becomes a soldier.

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