Sunday 9 October 2016

Weekly news 3

Orignal story:

WARNING: To anybody who might dislike the sight of blood/gore, I don't suggest you continue reading. There's a few pictures and descriptions that you probably would do best without.

To summarize this story, after an argument on the tram, a 36 year-old man from manchester was sliced in his neck by a knife before the attacker ran out of the Velopark stop. Luckily the man is in hospital, in a stable condition, healing well. The slice didn't damage any vital arteries and so the most that will come out of this is a scar. There's barely any information so far and there was a ton of witnesses so this is slightly worrying. Especially with the rumored clown attacks. This is a picture of the wound caused.
Wound on man's neckSo if this kind of thing can happen in broad daylight with several witnesses and the police haven't caught the attacker after 2 days...what trust can we have in our police? That seems like an easy catch. There's no shortage of cameras on stations and trams either so they must have identified him by now. I'm sure it's not as easy as I'm making it out to be but it doesn't make me feel very safe.

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