Tuesday 1 November 2016

Weekly news 5

There were 4 stabbings on Halloween. And because of how close the road was to the route I take travelling back from martial arts and the stabbings were reportedly around the same time I would've been returning, this was a very close call. Luckily my dad offered to drive me home this week or I could've been one of the victims.
Police at Gloucester Road Croydon

Compared to the rest of the UK, Croydon has some of the most stab-common areas in the entire country and I simply hate living in an area with such a statistic. Not only is it dangerous but it means that everyone in the area, including me, is associated with the statistic. I've gone to job interviews in much nicer areas where I have seen the interviewer visibly grimace when I've mentioned where I live. Local residents are thinking that it's because of the disappearance of the police station that used to be near Norwood Junction and I can't help but agree. I think it needs to be reopened or at least have the one near Crystal Palace Stadium send a few more patrols near the area for the next few months. Maybe even half a year. Luckily only 1 of the 4 victims died and the other 3's injuries are thought to be non life threatening. Of course it's sad that any of them passed away but it's good to count the blessings.

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