Saturday 26 November 2016

Weekly news 9

'It's Not Over Yet, Donald Trump election win dealt blow as Wisconsin announces it will recount vote after Jill Stein alleges Russian tampering'

Source: The Sun

First of all, I'm happy. Because even though I don't particularly like Clinton either, Donald Trump has very strict policies on immigration and considering how much I want to go to the US for University and then work, it was scary to see he'd been elected. Most of our generation don't particularly care about the election but I don't really have a choice but to care. After all, it affects my future. So fingers crossed the recount changes the result to something less difficult for me.

Anyway, if we compare the reaction to Donald Trump's original victory and this story, it's not nearly as excited as you would have thought. I was prepared for a massive online reaction with everyone cheering and hoping once again to put someone else in the White House after all the complaining and previous resentment towards the first result but it's been surprisingly lackluster. In fact, if I hadn't had gone searching for this story for my weekly news, I doubt I would've even heard of this.composite-election-map-new-one

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting article, quite shocked. To make this even better you could have talked about what factors could have lead to not having a huge online reaction, or why media outlets weren't talking about this.
