Sunday 6 November 2016

Weekly news 6

'WE'VE GOT CONTROL OF THE PRISON' Riot Police prepare to storm Bedford prison as 300 knife-wielding lags riot while sending terrifying videos of mayhem.

Source: The Sun

First of all, I just want to point out how the Sun put an advertisement on the video of this "terrifying" story. Nice one. Second of all, I can't lie, it looks kind of fun despite the rumored injuries. Of course because it's the Sun, they were trying to make the police look like the bad guys to try to sell as much as possible and shit stir. It says that a source inside said that "The guards all ran away and didn't want to do what they were paid to."

Let's compare the headline to the BBC's headline on this. "Bedford Prison 'riot' involving up to 200 inmates". Factual, informative, accurate. Fair enough. But this means that either BBC's info was slightly off or The Sun was exaggerating, and I think it's more than likely the later. The Sun also choose to use the word "lags" which for those that don't know, is an informal term that means somebody who has been repeatedly sent to prison. It's seen as a very negative term. But god forbid the Sun humanizes thugs and "knife-wielding" criminals. Seriously? All 300 of them have knives? In a prison? Where it is very difficult to obtain such weapons? There's a point where it becomes simple lying rather than twisting the truth. Putting fear into people's hearts sells papers and that's all the Sun wants to do. 

As for my opinion on the story, it's a dangerous situation that I trust the police will get a hold of. At least the riot is contained inside a prison and not on the streets where more civilians are likely to get hurt. Count the blessings. And just remember that not all of the inmates are participating in the riot and not all of them are violent and inhumane. Some people have just made horrible mistakes.

The footage appeared to be taken from the top floor of the Category B jail

1 comment:

  1. A really good account of the story and good use of opinions however it could be improved if there was some talk about representations or some comparison made.
