Sunday 20 November 2016

Weekly news 8

Jessica Whelan Cancer Death: Four-year-old Who Touched Hearts Dies

This Sunday, a child named Jessica Whelan passed away from Cancer. She had stage four neuroblastoma. This is a type of Cancer that leads to several symptoms depending on where the tumor is located. Sadly, because it had spread to stage four, the tumor affected her whole body. She suffered from every symptom, including tiredness, struggled breathing, muscle pain and jerks, constipation, urination problems, struggled walking and back problems, the list just goes on. The chemotherapy she endured in the hopes of survival was constant pain for her. Her father posted on a facebook page he opened in her name informing everyone of her passing with the words "I feel both sadness and relief in informing you all that Jessica has finally found peace at seven o'clock this morning.".

Jessica Whelan Facebook image

There's not much to say about this opinion wise. Just that it's a horribly unlucky thing to happen to anyone, let alone children, however it affects them the most, being present in around 100 children a year in the UK alone. I'm happy that she was able to get treatment though. If she were to be born in the US, she may have still had to pay for her treatment, costing her and her family. And especially now that Trump is thinking of abolishing Obamacare, or at least minimizing it, it would've been even worse. It just makes me increasingly glad that our government happens to be one of the beneficial in the world, at least to most.

1 comment:

  1. very strong article, a lot of information and you included a picture and your own opinion, while also relating it to current issues such as Trump minimising/abolishing Obamacare
